European Public Prosecutor – A Step towards Mutual Recognition, or Establishment of European Criminal Justice?
pages 187 - 205

This article deals with the project of the European Public Prosecutor in the European Union. The origin and establishment of the institution of the European
Public Prosecutor is directly related, above all, to the protection of budgets (financial interests) of the European Communities, or the European Union, against various forms of criminal activity (fraud, corruption, abuse of powers, etc.). The attempts to introduce this institution in the European Union, however, face resistance of the Member States against limiting sovereignty (jurisdiction) in the
area of criminal law. Any similarity to the operation of federal and national jurisdiction in the United States of America is therefore still quite remote.

European Public Prosecutor
protection of the financial interests of the European Communities
Corpus Juris
Corpus Juris 2000
Green Paper
criminal proceedings
European Judicial Area
cooperation in criminal matters
about the authors

Prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc. (*1961) is a full time professor of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology and criminalistics at the Law Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno, a part-time professor at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague, a private university professor at the Law Faculty of Miskolc University in Hungary, and he regularly lectures in foreign universities (Vienna, Chicago, Bratislava, etc.). He has published approximately 20 scientific books and more than 100 articles and scientific studies. He is a lawyer, and served as First Deputy Supreme Public Prosecutor of the Czech Republic, a member of the Legislative Board of Government of the Czech Republic, and President of the Czech Association for the Protection of Financial Interests of EC. He is a member of the International Association for Criminal Law (AIDP), and a replacement member of the Supervisory Committee over the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).  
